Mittagong Public School

Strive to Achieve

Telephone02 4871 1020

Aboriginal Education

Aboriginal Homework Centre

Mittagong Public School has proudly partnered with Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation (IWAAC) to offer an Aboriginal Homework Centre. This initiative is designed to provide support to First Nations students in their education. The centre aims to offer a culturally supportive and nurturing environment for First Nations students to do their homework, receive academic help, and engage in educational activities.

Our Aboriginal Homework Centre offers:

Academic Support: Students can receive help with homework assignments, test preparation, and general study skills from teachers and volunteers.

Cultural Sensitivity: Our Homework Centre is staffed with teachers who understand Aboriginal cultures and histories, making the learning experiences inclusive and supportive for First Nations students.

Mentorship and Guidance: Teachers and volunteers provide guidance and support to students, helping them navigate academic challenges and offering advice on their learning and personal development.

Access to Resources: Our Homework Centre provides access to culturally appropriate educational materials such as books, games and online resources that can help students with their studies.

Community Involvement: The centre works closely with IWAAC, incorporating cultural traditions and values into the educational support we provide.

Additional Activities: Beyond academic support, our Homework Centre offers extracurricular activities such as arts and crafts, music, and sport, allowing students to explore other interests and build a sense of community.

The aim of our Aboriginal Homework Centre is to improve educational outcomes and support First Nations students in their academic journeys while honoring and incorporating Aboriginal cultures and traditions. Our Homework Centre is an important resource in bridging educational gaps and providing equitable opportunities for our First Nations students.